
Dental implants give us the option to replace missing teeth and give us a renewed smile. They also restore function to our mouth and prevent having to prepare adjacent teeth for a bridge. Implants are an excellent option and have proven long-term stability when placed and managed properly.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is comprised of three parts:

  1. Screw: A titanium screw underneath the tissue retained by your jaw bone.
  2. Abutment: A post screwed into the implant that holds the permanent crown.
  3. Crown: Tooth colored crown cemented or screwed into to the abutment.

How long to receive a dental implant?

Your first visit will be a consultation with one of our dentists to assess bone and discuss what you can expect from your dental implant. This information is communicated to a referred periodontist or oral surgeon. The referred implant specialist will further assess bone and (if needed) place a bone graft, then implant.

The implant needs time to integrate with the bone. Our office generally recommends a 3-6 month waiting period before restoration can be completed.

Once bone integration is complete, final impressions will be taken at our office for the final crown to be cemented. Your last appointment is the delivery of your dental implant crown.

If you live in the Gadsden area and are interested in receiving dental implants, one of our dentists will be happy to have a consultation with you. Don’t hesitate, give us a call today! 256-547-5471